Nectar Cart’s Litchi Flora honey is extracted from most litchi flourishing areas of Bihar, Malda & Dinajpur district of West Bengal by the bees. Our Special Apis Melifera bee collects nectar from litchi flowers there. Nectar Cart’s Litchi Flora honey is rich with Vitamin C, Vitamin B2, B6, Niacin, Oligonol( means to be antioxidants & anti-influenza virus in action), copper, potassium, phosphorus, & polyphenol. Especially this honey increases blood flow to organs, reduces weight, protect skin from UV rays, may help in the prevention of heart problem & cancer. This 100% raw honey is light and buttery with a melt-in-the-mouth flavour that is pure litchi fruit. It is light creamy in colour and distinctive flavour makes it a great addition to buttered toast, light tea and breakfast cereal. This honey is a perfect alternative of white sugar and glucose & fructose in our honey provides a slow release of sustained energy lasting for hours.
1.100% Raw, Unprocessed, Premium Quality Litchi Flora Honey
2.Light creamy in colour and buttery litchi in taste
3. Increases blood flow to organs, reduces weight, protect skin from UV rays
4.No Added Preservatives, Sugars, Artificial Flavours